In these uncertain times, while we are all trying to stay safe in a CoVid-19 world, we dream and plan for getting back to normal, back to work, back to socializing, and yes, back to travel.
The allure of travel remains.
Before all these crazy days, I often would consult with a client about 'where to go next.' Sometimes, they'd be very uncertain - they didn't care where, necessarily, they just wanted to go - somewhere, anywhere. I'd take the time to get to know them, learn how and where they'd traveled in the past - what they enjoyed or didn't, learn who would be traveling and whether there were any special occasions to celebrate, learn how they liked to spend their days when they were on holiday, and, the
most important thing perhaps, learn what memories they wanted to bring back home.
You see, if you start with the end in mind - what memories do you want to bring back home - it helps crystallize the mind.
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