Lush Life Travel hosts a general chat session on "Getting Fit for Travel in February"
With stay-at-home orders, and new restrictions on travel to sun destinations, it's becoming more important than every to keep our travel dreams alive, and focus on future bucket list trips.
Let's focus on how we can get in better shape this February for future travel to come!.
Join us to share your ideas and thoughts on how to get fit in feb. Are you trying a dry February? Walking 10,000 steps a day? Working out at home? Doing a zoom exercise class? Join us to share what you're doing to stay active - and - perhaps bring along a story of your past travels. Did you hike Machu PIcchu? Did you snorkel the Great Barrier Reef? How about travel to see the gorillas in Uganda? Or do a wine tour of Italy? Share with us some exercising you've done in the past for a trip - or
special training (sure, wine tasting counts if it was related to a trip) - or perhaps a goal you are setting for a future trip you want to take. We can encourage and help each other, and maybe inspire some future travel plans too!
Join us for Travel Tuesday at 5 pm est on Tuesday, February 9th at 5 pm est - for a "Getting Fit for Travel in February" chat.
Email Sheila at sheila@lushlife.ca for questions.
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