Join me online today - Tuesday, October 13th, at 5 pm est for a Travel Tuesday zoom call - if you could take only ONE more trip.
I'm thrilled to be joined by my partners at Natural Habitat Adventures.
We'll be giving a general overview of who NatHab is, what they do better than anyone, who their typical client is, their health & safety protocols, their financial stability, as well as their sustainability/ community well-being focus. We'll highlight a few of their itineraries, mixing in the closer in like Churchill polar bear tours and Northern Lights, moving to Australia and New Zealand, with some more exotic tours to spots like Rwanda, Bhutan, and Botswana.
My partners, Aly Jacobsen and Don Martinson, of Natural Habitat will give a Travel Tuesday zoom presentation on October 13th at 5 pm est.
Join us if you can!
Email Sheila at for zoom invite.